step by step login guide of acc blackboard Welcome to Blackboard! This guide should help you get started using the tools and resources available on the site.
Section: Accessing Your Account
Step 1: Go to the following web address ‘’
- To start, you will need to go to the following web address:
- This is the domain name of your Blackboard account and it will be case sensitive (e.g.,
- Home page – select ‘Blackboard Learn’ from the list of products and services offered by your institution. You will then be redirected to another web address, which will look like this:
- Step 2: Enter your ACCeID username and password
Now, enter your ACCeID username and password.
- The username is the email address you use to log into Blackboard from your computer. It can be found in the left column of your login screen, under “Log in.”
- The password is what protects this information so it doesn’t get shared with everyone who uses it (like an administrator). If you forget this password, please contact us at [email protected]
If you’re still having trouble logging in, we recommend that you try again later. If this doesn’t work, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help you get back in as soon as possible.
Step 3: Click on login button to access blackboard
You are now ready to access the Blackboard learning experience. To do so, click on the Login button at the top right of your screen or visit [login]. If you are a new user and have not previously created an ACCeID username and password, please follow these steps:
- Click on Sign Up Link If You’re New (1). This will take you to [sign up] page where you can create an account with usernames and passwords. After creating an account with usernames & passwords, make sure that both username(s) & password(s) match what we’ve given during registration process earlier today!
- Once logged into our secure website(s), select “My Profile” from drop-down menu located on top right corner so that we can see all students enrolled in classes currently being offered by different schools/colleges across US/Canada etc., then click “View Courses” button under My Profile section above mentioned drop down menu option which will display list containing details about all courses currently being offered by respective schools/colleges across US/.
Blackboard Login Step 3: Click on login button to access blackboard. If you are a new user and have not previously created an ACCeID username and password, please follow these steps: Click on Sign Up Link If You’re New (1). This will take you to [sign up] page where you can create an account with usernames and passwords. After creating an account with usernames & passwords, make sure that both username(s) & password(s) match
Note: If you are a new user, then click on signup link to create an account on Blackboard.
- If you are a new user, then click on the ‘Sign up’ link to create an account on Blackboard.
- You will be asked to enter your email address and password.
- You will also be asked to provide personal information such as name, gender and date of birth.
- After choosing all these details from the list provided by Blackboard, you can now log in with your username/password combination which is created for each student/faculty member under their account settings page
Here we have mentioned some steps to create an account on Blackboard 1. You can create an account by clicking on the ‘Sign up’ link from the Blackboard login page. 2. Enter your email address, choose a password and confirm it. 3. Provide personal information such as name, gender, date of birth and agree to terms of service before clicking ‘Sign Up’ button.
This is simple steps for acc students
- Download the course materials.
- View your grades and attendance.
- View your assignments and discussions forum.
Blackboard is an online learning platform. ACC students can use Blackboard to: -View their course materials and assignments -View their grades, attendance, and discussions forum
To conclude, it is important to know that there are some risks involved with using this site. It should be used only for educational purposes and not for illegal activities.